The most important rule in using social media to promote your art is to be personal and relatable. This involves sharing the stories behind your artistic process and ideas. People who follow you will be interested in your personal story as much as they will be fans of your work. In addition to presenting yourself in a more personable way, there are a few other practices that will help you get more out of your social media experiences.
Maintain a Consistent Presence
You should set a schedule for posting that you can follow without any difficulties, even if that means publishing just one post every Friday. Maintaining your schedule will help your followers find your new content more easily. Keep in mind that social media algorithms may prevent all of your followers from seeing every one of your posts. If they know when to look for your posts, they can visit your profile on those days. If you do expect to miss a short period of posting, try to let your followers know in advance.
Create a Posting Strategy
You shouldn’t be posting only to maintain an active online presence. While that is important in building a visible brand for yourself, your posts should primarily consist of meaningful and engaging content. If you’re only posting funny memes, that’s all your followers will expect from you, and those are the types of followers you will amass. Instead, create informative and interesting posts that are related to your artwork. You can also create posts that share your experiences as an artist.
Analytics Still Matter
Even though being an artist is different from managing other types of small businesses, looking at data analytics is still important. Collecting data about your social media performance will tell you the times and days that your posts get the most interactions. You can also learn important details about the demographic groups most interested in your posts. This can help you modify your online activity to get the most interactions from your followers.
Your ability to listen and respond to what you hear is also important. This means paying close attention to current trends in addition to listening to what your followers have to say about your work. Being an active listener from both of these perspectives will help you stay relevant in a modern world that’s continuously evolving.